
Render Markdown in Nuxt 3 and Highlight Syntax with Nuxt MDC

Last update: 8/7/2024
Title image for the guide on how to render Markdown in Nuxt 3 with Nuxt MDC


Markdown is a frequently used markup language to build the content of static blog websites. When working with Nuxt 3 you can utilize the official Nuxt Content module to build a blog from Markdown files. The module provides an many features, including code highlighting and an enhanced Markdown syntax known as MDC (MarkDown Components) to integrate Vue components into Markdown seamlessly.

However, if your aim is to source Markdown content from a dedicated API or CMS, additional effort is required to render and highlight your content. One approach involves building a helper function with a transformer from the Nuxt Content module to parse Markdown strings. That way you can still use the MDC syntax but you are leaving most Nuxt Content functionality untapped. Alternatively, you can create a plugin leveraging the markdown-it parser within your Nuxt 3 application. The parser follows the CommonMarc Spec, provides supplementary features and supports syntax highlighting with highlight.js. Nevertheless, this method is cumbersome and using Vue components in the Markdown content is not possible.

Fortunately, the Nuxt module, MDC, which allows you to parse and render Markdown sourced from a dedicated API or CMS in an elegant manner. The module is utilized by Nuxt Content under the hood and therefore provides you with many useful features, such as using Vue components in Markdown, syntax highlighting and more. At the same time the module is lighter compared to the Nuxt Content module.

In This Guide

This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough for integrating the Nuxt MDC module into a new Nuxt 3 application. It begins with an introduction to the module, followed by step-by-step instructions on installation and configuration to enable Markdown content rendering and syntax highlighting. A simple example illustrates the process of parsing and rendering Markdown using the module's <MDC> component. Furthermore, it showcases the enhancement of Prose components to integrate additional features into Markdown content, with an example extending the <ProsePre> component. The page concludes with the linked source code, ready to serve as a foundation for your upcoming projects. Throughout this guide, the Composition API and <script setup> syntax are utilized.


  • Nuxt 3.11.2
  • Vue 3.4.21
  • Nuxt MDC 0.6.1
  • node 18.12.1
  • npm 9.8.1


Before proceeding with this guide, ensure you meet the following requirements:

  • Basic understanding of how to work with Nuxt 3
  • Basic understanding of the Markdown syntax, including inline code and code blocks
  • node.js and npm are installed on your machine

What is Nuxt MDC?

Nuxt MDC is a module designed to parse and render Markdown within your Nuxt 3 application. It is used by Nuxt Content and offers a plethora of additional features. The most powerful feature is the ability to use Vue components in your Markdown content. This extended syntax not only supports Vue components but also regular HTML tags and so called Prose components, which are native to Nuxt MDC. These Prose components are rendered instead of regular HTML tags by default and can be further customized to add extra functionalities or entirely disabled if necessary. Another significant feature provided by Nuxt MDC is syntax highlighting for code blocks, powered by the Shiki Syntax highlighter (explore all Shiki features on GitHub).

Nuxt MDC exposes three components to parse and render Markdown: <MDC>, <MDCRenderer> and <MDCSlot>. The <MDC> component takes raw Markdown content written with MDC syntax, parses it with the parseMarkdown() helper function and renders it within your Vue component or page with the <MDCRenderer> component. Additionally, the <MDCSlot> component serves as a replacement for Vue's native <slot> component, effectively rendering slot content while removing any unwanted wrapper elements. Since the <MDCRenderer> and <MDCSlot> components and the parseMarkdown() function are not within the scope of this guide, please check Github for more details: , , parseMarkdown().

Create a New Nuxt 3 Project

To initiate a new Nuxt 3 project named nuxt3_mdc_starter, navigate to your desired working directory in the terminal and execute the following command, as outlined in the documentation:

npx nuxi@latest init nuxt3_mdc_starter

For this guide, npm is used as the package manager. Note that as of writing this guide, latest initializes Nuxt version 3.11.1.

Once the project is initialized, navigate to the porject root direcotry and start the development mode to verify successful installation, by executing the following commands:

cd nuxt3_mdc_starter
npm run dev

Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to ensure that the application is up and running correctly.

Installing and Configuring Nuxt MDC

Firstly, stop the development mode and install Nuxt MDC by executing the following command:

npm install @nuxtjs/mdc

Next, Nuxt MDC must be registered in the nuxt.config.ts configuration file:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxtjs/mdc']

Additional configurations can be provided to Nuxt MDC using the mdc property, but is not necessary to begin parsing and rendering Markdown (refer to GitHub for details).

Rendering Markdown

Next, let's modify the app.vue component to illustrate how to render Markdown using the <MDC> component. Since fetching Markdown from a CMS is beyond the scope of this guide, we'll render the following boilerplate Markdown snippet to app.vue instead, inspired by the playground source code:

<script setup>
const md = `
# Welcome to docs4.dev

Paragraphs can contain inline code \`const codeInline: string = 'highlighted code inline'\`{lang="ts"} with language prop.

Code block:
\`\`\` typescript [index.js] {1, 3 - 5} additional meta data
import {parseMarkdown} from '@nuxtjs/mdc/runtime'

async function main(mdc: string) {
  const ast = await parseMarkdown(mdc)

  return ast

This Markdown snippet includes a headline, a paragraph with inline code, and a code block. You'll notice additional information behind the inline code {lang="ts"} and in the first line of the code block ``` typescript [index.js] {1, 3 - 5} additional meta data. These are part of the MDC syntax, allowing you to add extra attributes to inline code and code blocks, which are then processed by MDC and its Prose components.

The {lang="ts"} attribute functions as a language indicator, informing MDC about the language of the inline code. This information can be utilized by the syntax highlighter to apply the corresponding syntax highlighting. The code block can take the following four attributes:

  • language (typescript)
  • filename enclosed in square brackets ([index.js])
  • list of lines to highlight, wrapped with curly braces ({1, 3 - 5} indicates line one and three to five)
  • additional metadata

The language is not only used by Shiki to highlight the syntax. It is passed, along with the remaining attributes, as props to the Prose component <ProsePre> and can be used for extended functionality (more on that below). The order in which you provide these attributes can vary to some extend, but you must start with the language.

To render the Markdown in app.vue, we need to assign the content to the :value property of the <MDC> component:

    <MDC :value="md" />

If you browse http://localhost:3000 you will see the Markdown being rendered in valid HTML5. If you open your browser console and inspect the source code, you will observe that normal text is wrapped with <p> tags, inline code is wrapped with <code> tags and the code block is wrapped with <pre> tags. Additionally, you will also notice language-typescript appended as value to the class attribute of the <pre> tag (<pre class="language-typescript">…</pre>).

Demonstration of simple Markdown rendering with Nuxt MDC

Prose Components

As previously mentioned, Prose components are rendered instead of regular HTML tags. Alongside a template, Prose components can contain styling or receive properties and useful, if you want to add more features to you Markdown content, such as displaying the filename, highlighting specific code lines or adding a copy button. For instance, the <ProsePre> component is rendered instead of the <pre> and accepts the following properties: code, language, filename, highlights, meta, class (refer to the source code on GitHub).

To use Prose components they must be enabled which is the case by default. To incorporate extra features, the corresponding Prose component must be extended. One simple method to achieve this is by creating a component with the same name and source code as the original Prose component inside the components/ directory. Therefore, add ProsePre.vue under components/ with the following code from the initial ProsePre component:

  <pre :class="$props.class"><slot /></pre>

<script setup lang="ts">
  code: {
    type: String,
    default: ''
  language: {
    type: String,
    default: null
  filename: {
    type: String,
    default: null
  highlights: {
    type: Array as () => number[],
    default: () => []
  meta: {
    type: String,
    default: null
  class: {
    type: String,
    default: null

pre code .line {
  display: block;

To demonstrate how to extend a Prose component, let's simply display the filename and other attributes added in the first line of the Markdown code block. All we need to do is reference the respective prop in the template if available. Therefore, change the <template> of ProsePre.vue as follows:

  <div class="pre-wrapper">
    <div v-if="filename">
      {{ filename }}
    <div v-if="language">
      {{ language }}
    <div v-if="highlights">
      {{ highlights }}
    <div v-if="meta">
      {{ meta }}
    <pre :class="$props.class"><slot/></pre>

The v-if directive checks, if the prop is available. If it is, the prop is referenced in the template by {{ prop }}. The wrapper <div class?“pre-wrapper“> is optional and serves for styling purposes:

.pre-wrapper > * {
  margin-top: 0;
  border: 1px solid #303030;

Now check http://localhost:3000 Along with the code you will seh the components props be rendered on top which were passed as attributes to the Markdown code block.

Demonstration of Markdown rendering with Nuxt MDC and Prose Components

This simple example serves only as a demonstration of how to extend a Prose component. In a real project, you can add more features, such as a copy button.

When facing resolving issues, consider registering your Prose component globally by adding the .global suffix to the component name (ProsePre.global.vue). Please refer to the Nuxt documentation on dynamic components for more details. If you want to disable Prose components, set the mdc.components.prose option false in nuxt.config.ts

mdc: {
  components: {
    prose: false

Syntax Highlighting

To enable syntax highlighting for code blocks, we need to configure it in the nuxt.config.ts file. Syntax highlighting is enabled by providing the mdc.highlight property on object which accepts five options (more information on GitHub):

  • highlighter: Specifies the highlighter to be used. Default is shiki
  • theme: Sets the default theme to be used by the parseMarkdown()helper function to highlight the syntax (Available themes are listet in the Shiki documentation
  • langs (formerly preload): Specifies the languages to be bundled by Shiki for syntax highlighting. The default languages are json, ts, tsx, vue, css, html, vue, bash, md, mdc and yaml. You can either add additional languages or remove the languages you don’t need to be bundled. Note that this option overwrites the default languages.
  • themes: Additional themes to be bundled and loaded by the Shiki
  • wrapperStyle: Controls the background color of the wrapper. By default, it's disabled. You can set it to true to render the theme's default background color or provide a custom color as a hex code, e.g., wrapperStyle: “#000000“ for black.

For this guide, let's set github-dark as the default theme (theme: github-dark), enable the background color (wrapperStyle: true), and select only the languages we need (langs: ['ts']). Add the following configuration to nuxt.config.ts:

mdc: {
  highlight: {
    theme: 'github-dark',
    langs: ['ts'],
    wrapperStyle: true

The final nuxt.config.ts looks as follows:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxtjs/mdc'],
  mdc: {
    highlight: {
      theme: 'github-dark',
      langs: ['ts'],
      wrapperStyle: true

If you check http://localhost:3000 again you will now notice that both, the code block and the inline code are now highlighted with the TypeScript preset from the github-dark theme.

Demonstration of Markdown rendering with Nuxt MDC, Prose components and syntax hHighlighting


Nuxt MDC simplifies the parsing and rendering of Markdown fetched from a CMS or API. It offers numerous features, including code highlighting and an extended syntax (MarkDown Components) allowing the use of Vue components within Markdown. This makes it a compelling alternative to the Nuxt Content module or markdown-it. Additionally, Nuxt MDC provides Prose components as an alternative to regular HTML tags, allowing for the addition of extra features to Markdown content. The Shiki syntax highlighter bundled with the module streamlines code highlighting, requiring minimal configuration to get started.

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